"The Virginia Clean Economy Act, passed in 2020, simply is not working.
It is driving up rates, driving down reliability, and constricting our economic growth. 2020 forecasts assumed very little power demand growth because leadership planned for very little economic growth and very little job growth."- Governor Youngkin
GOP Leaders Across Virginia Want VCEA Stopped!
"We need an electrical grid which is stable, and we absolutely have to change direction. We must change direction from the clean energy plan that has passed, ..... because it is not doable, affordable, or good for Virginia"
- Glenn Youngkin, Virginia's 74th Governor
“These things [solar industrialization] will not be built, Mr. Chairman, in Reston. They won’t be built where our Democratic colleagues live. They’ll be built out here in rural areas and with untold consequences. It’s going to completely transform the character of places that we know and love. And I’m not sure that we have fully thought through the ramifications of these policies.”
- Todd Gilbert, Speaker of the House of Delegates
Governor Glenn Youngkin, Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, Attorney General Jason Miyares and the Republican House of Delegates Majority know that the Virginia Clean Economy Act is a dangerous law implemented by the Democrats which will force Virginia to be totally dependent on wind and solar energy generation. Former Governors Terry McAuliffe and Ralph Northam plus their "renewable energy" industry cronies, are deforesting Virginia for their profit and will force every consumer to pay an additional $800 per year in electricity. Now we are seeing whale populations decrease potentially due to offshore wind industrialization. We need to pause offshore development to save the whales and stop the loss of hundreds of thousands of acres of valuable Virginia forests and farmland to utility solar expansion. Contact your federal and state legislator and sign the petitions.
The ill-named Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) was passed and signed into law by far left progressive Democrats in 2020 under former Governor Ralph Northam. Learn more about how this unreliable, renewable energy "gold rush" is destroying the Commonwealth's resources and costs each of us far more for our expensive electricity.
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The Democrat-controlled General Assembly passed and Gov. Ralph Northam signed the Virginia Clean Economy Act or VCEA in April of 2020. As Virginia's energy companies issue their plans to comply with the new law's mandates, we are seeing in effect, the implementation of national Democrats' "Green New Deal" right here in Virginia. It is the worst piece of energy legislation now in force across the country.
VCEA's timeline directives are ruinous in forcing a dramatic switch from natural to alternative energy resources, In Dominion Energy's recently released plan, they project a requirement to clear cut farm land and forests equal to 490 square miles for large solar farms. This is an area 20 times the size of Manhattan, the equivalent of 237,000 football fields. The impact will be climactic on both soil erosion and wildlife.
Consumers fare no better. The State Corporation Commission estimates the average electricity bill will increase by 50 percent under VCEA. We will be charged, again on average, over $800 per year with a new "electricity tax". Maybe wealthy, elitist Democrats like Ralph Northam, Gavin Newsom and Terry McAuliffe can afford the luxury of paying double for electricity to feel good about themselves and preen about their environmentalism. However, ordinary Virginians suffering the economic effects of the pandemic do not need additional tax burdens.
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As the Wall Street Journal reported, "Progressive" California is the #1 State in which people are leaving. Unfortunately, besides the terrible VCEA Law, Democrats also while in complete control of the state government, tied us to California's regulations. Watch the video and learn more HERE.
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