Follow this link to access your Virginia Voter Record. If you move within the Commonwealth, you can update your registration. Also apply on-line to vote absentee and to view your voter-related information.
To register to vote in Virginia, you must be a U.S. citizen, a resident of Virginia, at least 18 years old by the next general election, have had voting rights restored if convicted of a felony, and have had capacity restored by court order if declared mentally incapacitated. Go here to register to vote!
Follow this link to the Virginia Dept. of Elections website where you can find your voting location, how to vote, schedule of upcoming elections, etc.
Note in Virginia Polling Hours are
6 am to 7 pm
Are you interested in becoming a candidate?
Here is the link describing requirements and general details to run for office in Virginia.
However, let us know if you are interested in running for office in the Northern Virginia Suburbs.
Contact us at
Are you interested in joining the local Republican Committee?
The local Republican Committee is the grassroots organization for the
Republican Party of Virginia (RPV).
Follow this link to find out more information and how to contact your local GOP.
The Suburban Virginia Republican Coalition (SUV GOP) is a Political Action Committee (PAC) dedicated to reaching out to Republican voters across Northern Virginia. Sign up for our newsletter and join us at the various events we hold around the region.
Let's re-build the Republican Party in Northern Virginia together.
Paid for and authorized by the Suburban Virginia Republican Coalition (
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Copyright © 2025 Suburban Virginia Republican Coalition - All Rights Reserved.
Every Monday morning, SUVGOP sends out the Suburban Republican Weekly, an update of all the local GOP activities in Northern Virginia. Want to stay informed. Subscribe Today!
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